The Tiny Star


Dedication to E. N.


Thou who art lost in the darkness of eternity,

Sweet, most beloved star of my enamoured soul !

Thou, who long ago wouldst scintillate so brightly,

When the whole world around thee and I was on a roll !


O gentle, lovesome and deeply mysterious light !

My heart’s desire will infinitely seek thee amidst tiny stars,

And oftentimes, when night clouds are away and tight,

Will fly on the wings of love to immortality’s realm afar.


Long years of tears have elapsed, still many more to come,

From the accursed hour when I was left bereft of thee !

My longing finds no solace, my great sorrow’s torturesome

And as unceasing as stygian infinitudes for me !


Love’s enchantments, delicious delights !

Ambrosial touch ! magnificent dreams of a future sublime !

You perished in a twinkle like falling stars wasting might,

Leaving behind the lightlessness of unfathomable time.


Thou perished ! since then my dreadful wanderings

Have found no other effulgent consolation on the earth

Than rising my thoughts with tender flutterings,

My smiling tiny star lamenting love’s dearth !


Since boundless was my love for thee and measureless,

O ! sweet, heavenly delight of my enamoured soul !

Since thy love filled my heart with floods of happiness

When the whole world around thee and I was on a roll !


Adorable angelic woman clad in white tiny wings !

Thou who once shone so brilliantly like a dream of gold

Hastily departed to the lofty skies, like flowers’ ravellings,

Thou art gone, thy legacy’s too sweet to ever grow old.


Thy legacy – a souvenir, a treasure of happy dreams,

Of dearest, burning and deeply cherished kisses,

Of most serene and gloriously divine days,

Of passionate Venetian nights woven into blisses.


A poetic souvenir, my life’s everlasting crown,

Consoles and resurrects my heart grieving eternally,

Seeking union with the stars’ harps in melodious gowns,

O ! beloved, slow gliding star, each time I worship thee !


May thou who hast answered with love to my passion’s sun,

Thou who hast kindled my finest poetic feelings,

Accept these lilies of the valley in unworldly spun

As the romantic token of our amorous dealings !


English version by Gabriela PACHIA


