Lucian BLAGA


Stanzas Along the Years


When we gently walk on elm seeds

along the town street universe

and your light pace crystal truths breeds –

is there any need for sweet verse?


When the forest moss dulcifies

our green summertime passion hook

and I obey your chiming voice vines –

is there any need for a brook?


When you roam hillocks slenderly

like a gracious willow in the wind,

on the vastness of the earth lea

is there any need for grain ears glint?


When we relish all earth’s gifts,

between dearth and plenitude,

while bones in chthonic worlds rise tune rifts –

is there any need for platitudes?


When I divine your torrid clay

more gracile than Tanagra silhouettes,

from north to south, until doomsday,

is there any need for statuettes?


When we leisurely stroll side by side,

noticing we walk hand in hand,

looking at the same star shining bright –

is there any need for fate’s wend?


When blessings come our fated way

under the galaxy of smoke laths,

by the amber pine fragrant fay –

is there any need for a path?


Should my earthen mould long endure

unuttered in your thoughts’ sweet womb,

from sunrise to the sunset lure

is there any need for a tomb?


English version by Gabriela PACHIA

