Costache CONACHI


Torments of Love


Love, do not suffer heart ’ s petrification

When you see my despondency,

Bring the sweet long-sought consolation

That you ruthlessly stole from me.


Alas, poor me ! Not for a single hour

Is she absent from my emotions.

Oh, can there be love flames that devour

In the whole world without her devotion?


Like the shrivelling dewless flower

Sadly lying on the ground,

Withering under the sun’s power,

Searing from Aeolus’ hasty rounds,


So does my heart bitterly weep

For our sorrowful parting,

Oh, in this world, so wide and deep,

Can there be hopes of reuniting?


Among thousands of jocund birdies

There arise soft cooing tunes –

The mourning turtledove call notes,

Sobbing over his companion’s ill fortune…


While my unrelieved torments of love

Woefully lament our farewell,

“Oh, can there be bliss under the skies above

Without her love ’ s magic spell?”


(English version by Gabriela PACHIA)


