Theodor DAMIAN



Dancing in the Rain


To Clyde


The rain is coming

like a dance

Argentinian Tango given

to the insatiable eye

moving methodically

like in a ritual

or in trance

two steps forward

one step back

just the way life is

when you look into the word

like in a mirror

and you don’t see yourself

but the one that put

the mirror in the word

you are dancing in the breeze


The step back

keeps you younger

makes life longer


The rain is coming

like the bridegroom

on the heavenly clouds

just for you

so that you have a place

to hide

yet even for that

you need a guide…


Keep silent

don’t ask

just dance


you are not allowed to look

maybe to steal a glance


The rain is coming

look at her

how overwhelmingly

you stare and think

what am I going to do

who can this water define

and drink


Look in depth yet

contemplation is the key

to find out

the right definition

do it now

before the world is going to be sold out

you will have no commission


The rain is coming

like the bridegroom

where is she coming from

what does she want

and who is she

how does she know the road

between A and B


You travel the road

between A and A

that’s where you realize

that what she wants

is who you are

night and day


And what do you know

of who you are

you don’t

she does

you don’t know that she does

the way the lightning

doesn’t know

when it strikes your heart

in the rhythm of the most




She loves dancing

dancing in the rain

you read books

she reads you

wherever she looks


The rain as bridegroom

and she as rain

we cannot go back to the caves

we are too many

and that would be a real pain

S.J. Lec is right


The sun tricks you

but it doesn’t matter

for as long as you dance

your philosophy is melting down

like sugar in your tea

your way into trance

don’t ask



Dance in the rain

that’s what you dreamed of

all your life

the dance like a toy

the rain like a wife

how beautiful

you are born again


That’s what rain does

it takes you from yesterday

into today

no matter what Plato will say

no matter where you are

on the road

between A and A


The raindrops are drawing

your image

into the clouds

she is the rain

and knows how to do that

You stare

the mirror is melting

in the word

one day

what you see now

you will share


Sing o Goddess,

the rain that is falling

all over


the rain is crying

you don’t know why

Ride pagliaci

Read and laugh and learn

not to cry


The rain is coming

like a dance

either the rain or the dance

will take you away

like when your sign

takes you into the nights

of the full moon

and makes you ready

to discover yourself

in the coming bridegroom




