Anghel GÂDEA



to Gheorghe Grigurcu


The puppies alone have remained my friends

Along with some other friends of theirs,

Faithful beings that watch under my window

Without even knowing how many enemies surround me…

They follow me to the gate when I leave,

And warm my toes when I shoot the bolts

With their velvet red tongues,

Then wait for me until I return.

They stand motionless, eyes fastened upon the street…

Sometimes overwhelmed with worries and needs,

I forget to caress them, to ask them how they are,

What their problems are,

Why they fight with the stray dogs through the fence

That walk along the street and defile our territory…

Their longing for me gathers up in their souls

And makes them rush into my arms,

Lay their little pads on the keys of the typewriter,

Bark and look into my eyes to tell me

That I have to write about their needs, too,

Because they, also, live and bear

The same stupid loneliness…




My loneliness

Keeps me captive in this poem

Where you, also, are captive

Without even knowing it…

I, at least, let you free sometimes

So you may go to the hairdresser’s

To have your hair dyed,

Or shopping,

To buy things you don’t need,

And then home again

Much uglier than you were

When you left my poem , where I adorn you,

Not with dreams, as one poet said,

But with disillusionments, with the sadness

That I can no longer make you beautiful,

As you once were, or merry,

My lady, my autumn…



to Mrs. Maria-Ana-Tupan

In my mother’s room the photos ever more sad

And the empty trunk by the bed covered with newspapers

Upon which in autumn we lay the fruits picked from the trees,

Then their photo, she and dad, when they were young…

They, both, seem to look at me as at a polite stranger

Who says to them ’Hello!’

And inquires after their health…

When I, too, go in their pursuit,

Searching for them in the world beyond,

The pictures on the walls will be no longer there,

They will have become strangers

In their own house…

I alone go and say to them every morning

’Hello, Mum! Hello, Dad!’

How are you? Still in the pictures hung up upon the walls?

I am whispering it to you for fear the hens can hear

That I am more and more lonely without you,

Without your voices, without your smiles…

Your nephews still light candles together with me,

On Christmas and on Easter, a candle for each of you,

Memories that persist near the cross

There, on the hill, in the cemetery, as long as we climb down

And come into the yard, where I steal into your room

To remind you that you are alive in my mind,

That the hyacinths, the violets, the lilacs

are in bloom…

Traduceri de Olimpia IACOB
