You Are My Love


burst forth, seized with remorse, with fevers

hot cry of the dark

painfully vaulting over the earth

huge trap of light you are my love

welcome me in the black box of your life

take me for the bait of your perdition


clogged loneliness between two bodies

grown mad with love

love grown mad with loneliness

you have cleft the death’s reservoir by coming to me

you have defiled the palate of your mouth whispering…my love


you are my love:

while the stars groan in the universe

while the words lose flesh, remain without teeth

hanging out of the pages like the lewd poets’ ruptures

God, during all this time you are my love


the stranger’s limousine bumps into a concrete pole

while the fat moon… or the female teenager with knees

of orange…

you are, my love,

may the dark bleed in the blind: you are my love

may the cocks’ song freeze in them: you remain my love

apocalyptical, glacialized, of words, of divinity,

of devil,

my love: snake skin from which the snake has run away

counting its broken vertebra

corspse from which death has run away frightened of

its aspect too human

you are my love struggling on a deserted beach

while the moon bears innumerable babes of sand

you rise in the place of the sun like figure 7


come nearer, all shivering, come nearer my hands have revived,

cold howls like some dead people come back from stillness

to their houses

gnashing your teeth come nearer, gnashing your teeth come nearer

like knees to knees

like knives to knives

with death treadding death


Of Love


I nourished your favourite season

to the saturation point

with my rains full of despair

my sun rose up

to your heart’s content

and you squashed it with your milk knees

like an adder’s young

your arm was the door of my house

your eyes the ability of the commando




by the small flame of your breasts

I still write an elegy in cipher

to my statue of nerves

that erects all alone


at the seashore


Love Poem


Yes I loved you

as the bullet, the recruit’s sweet flesh

as the old maple, the groan of the cherry blossom

as the noose, the hanger’s neck


I loved you until the minute hands of the clocks

could no longer be separated

until the sunrise and the twilight

began rustling

like the jaws of the same mouth

until the pity and patience of God

gathered up round our neck

like a criminal muffler


Yes, I loved you

until from your very couch

the sky began running on all fours


and the stone of the sun kept hanging from its neck

like the sheep bell, exhausted,

and carried its stars in torrents to perdition

for you


for so much love

he stabbed them to bathe you

in their galactic blood


in the name of our love, come back

so that the whirl between the hips

may absorb the werewolves’ little ones in the moon

as soon as possible

before the sun has a fancy for

taking another lover

another sensual new moon

a sister of yours

with teeth of dew viper:





love? what is love? it is what fire was

and fire? what is fire? it was already to the ground

when the civil firemen arrived

they twisted it, they smothered it

they tore it to syllables, small flame by small flame

it ended in the garbage like a rotten cabbage

like a tube of soporific that had expired

it is the height of impudence! there were women

and babes around

many watched them from afar

but, many more slept at that hour

was it night? it was night, of course.


they may have calmed down meanwhile I saw them as in a dream

spitting on the red-hot coals and on their unforgettable memories

I saw their bodies but I never saw them more and more lessened by excess and rhythms

by victories and a hidden past

becoming manifestos of mercy in bistros and bars

from their mouths the cigarettes spasmodically splashed words not smoke

the rhythm burnt smouldering: life-and-death… life-and-death

nothing started from where it had always started

and the feeling that all that was to love

had fed on error/horror

was more painful than never before.


They again came back annoyed, of course how is it possible gentlemen?

then trying on their own skin sunburnt by winds

and rains

they became aware of how chaste the fire was

not letting itself be kissed or touched

it throbs defending its intimate interests

there is so much femininity within it! and it does not beg! what could fire beg? or poetry?

we would cast pearls before swine, would we, Mister Rosewater?

they should have been aswered, but who to do it? fire?

the dance of the rain on the roof? the vodka?

we were already

the later great cold-hearted

as a matter of fact

all our ships had sunk

and we bathed in other waters

much clearer


Georg Trakl’s Shadow, Dream And Death


There is a cloud that carries my head

There is a way without return

The madman makes the sirens wail through the town’s belly

and then demonstratively dies

There is one who operates the owls’ eyes


There are yellow wounds in the snow


The alien woman eats clay from the man’s palm


The earth feeds the dead child



The stork flies over the house of the chemist-psalmist

Sad children turn the snow yellow

The red onion good for crying in chorus has come


The only reality where you are still able to multiply

Is the end of the poem.


The painter hires the dead child

Who is to open the doors? the men are at war

The Moon? a song igniting upon the pale lips



We grow up among the dead’s nails and hair

We recite our poems on the women’s croup



A little girl with knees broken by the wind’s rays

Sleeps with her brother’s image in her arms

Friday’s bride is dumbfounded before the altar


Love is a gold spoon in the devil’s hand



Like two cursed parents

Two trees move away talking

The night emerges from its sighs


I am the one who has killed you by mistake



They give black wages to some drunkards

A red-dark plasma sneaks into the words

The dog licks the remains of the last supper at the Grodek


For one moment one can see death’s oases

And the spirit of the nephews whom no one will bear


Traduceri de Olimpia IACOB si poeta Rebecca COOK


