Vasile PROCA
Veseli se, shizofrenija je moj cas –
si velik hleb kruha
sprehajam se skozi tvoje izparitve
kot v ogromni cakalnici
s siromašnimi usti te ljubim
a dan na dan poslušam lajež
jeznega stvora
veseli se, gorka nad življenjem, ko me budiš -
namnožili so se otroci hudicevi in želijo videti
kako pesmi prodajajo malenkosti na polni ulici
in potem ti bodo poslali novice:
da tavajo cerkve po zraku
po dežju svetnikov in zvonov
Kovinski angel prodaja strah pred mecem
leseni angel nacet s strahom pred idolom
angel ponoci nadišavljen s strahom pred lilijami osvajalskimi in ti
angel stekleni, posekaj me, da pritece kri besed preko
angel snežni ki pošilja strah pred hladom da bi nas videl a ti
angel zlati pomiri mi strah pred svitanjem z roso tvojo od
angela ki nas nosi skozi tista tri nebesa kot slepe po ulici
angel vzemi oljenko orlov da boš videl življenje ki golta vrele kose obupa
angel srecen stojim v tvoji senci cakajoc preobrazbo
angel spi v strahu pred angeli kot nenaspan crv
skoci preko ognja, angel srece, skoci preko ognja!
Zaradi tega molka obesila se je beseda ljubezen
in ponedeljek in torek in sreda in cetrtek in petek in sobota
a vseeno nedelja na vrvi molcanja najden je
angel …
koplji globoko v pepelu greha in ostani tam:
crtaj sramoto na posodi iz katere
pije Veliki Clovek kapljo
žive vode
“disk pomeni onanijo” –
psalmira Božji Dirigent
zadet z orgazmom
a orgazem pomeni mnenje
pravi desetic lucenosec
oslepljen z blešcanjem beder teh božanskih
drhtec on ljubkuje bedro to ubijalsko
Prevod iz romunšcine: Miljurko VUKADINOVIC in Irena ODER
…a hand gets ready to pray and closes in it
the living air struggling as hard as a young sparrow
that has pecked Death and turned
into a bird of death
bird: our mouth holds in it the hand of time and
cheer up now for you can speak to death -
as the tongue of the bells oils with holy oil
the travellers' brow
bird: our body holds in it its wings of desert raven
cheer up, then, for every day it would feed the holy man
on crumbs of bread
a hand gets ready like a sign known to you alone
and ends up the poem
by the mouth of the woman where I am to pass away
- I do love you - says the man, too, that suffers from lung disease
as he counts the wild boars in the corn fields
…even today I have seen you running all naked
among my deaths arranged in a line just like the street lamps
along the main street
I kiss you with the nights You forgive me with the mornings
…I let my blood whistle until it wakes up
the green air in the triangle of the cranes:
in my dream, my sweetheart, you were the north with its hair let down
… even today I have seen you running all naked
among my deaths arranged in a line just like the beggars
along the main street
you, man, that follow the grief
…a different silence: in the heart of the night hardly spent
the water the forest and the flock of wild beasts spoke:
seven trials and all but chasing
… a different silence: once again the shot dreamt of being a wound
the blood was the cross borne by some light:
seven were the days and each a holiday
(from Vasile Proca, Duminica din tr asnet . Cartea Româneasca.)
Translated by Olimpia Iacob